Listen Verena,i owe you something and i have to tell you this.Maybe our life changed to much and we changed to much too but i must say this to you,it may put a smile on your beautyful face or it may give you some pain,i dont know.But i must say it.I say this because i owe it to yoou and i dont want anything or think of something from you.
Listen!You are the first person i fall in love with but also the last person.What i did in our relation was right but it was hard for all these years.I have never had a feeling for any woman the same as my feelings you.Because i didnt love any woman bevore you and when we where together in the start i didnt try to protect my feelings from you.So my love to you was so open and free.I let you go deep inside of my soul and be part of my life.One time of my life you made me feel so bad and sad and i could not understand that time why you did this to me...After that i always protected myself not to fall in love with someone i like i did with you.And thats why i didnt love someone like i loved you.But when we met each other again i was already mature and i could control my feelings but with you was still hard.Till this moment and till now you are still my real,clean and pure love for you changed almost everything in my life to the better.So thank you my love for the happyness and sadness you gave to me and i am sorry if i acted stupid sometimes and hurting you.Dont think i say this because i want to see you or meet you or anything like that...No,its just something i wanted you to know and its been inside of me and i have to say it to you.Thats all i wanted.
I know you are married and i am married and we respect now,even if you dont write to me i also respect this.I already told you what i wanted to tell you all the years,so if i die now,then i am a happy man.

*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*