Mrs, I can see it is a waste of time talking to you but I will try anyway.
The situation prior to the use of the atom bombs was that Japan was isolated, its borders surrounded by its enemies, its one ally German had surrendered, its situation hopeless. Due to its "win or die" attitude it was obvious that it would not surrender with the use of then conventional weapons, this meant that the total destruction of Japan and its people was a reality that the allies had to face. To save its own soliders and to bring the last waring nation to surrender the decision was taken by the allies to use the Atom Bomb. Here again I use the word Allies, this decision was not just made by America, it was discussed and agreed by the allies together.
One may call the Japanese brave and honourable, that their mentality would not allow them to surrender, one can also call this stupid, bearing in mind the facts that they faced, here it is a matter of opinion and the field is open for both points of view.
To call the Allies Cowards for using the Atom Bombs, is not only wrong its totally out of context. Please use the history books and look and read the agonising situation the Allies found themselves in and the days and weeks of heart seeking that took place before the decision was taken.
Lastly, I spent 3 years working and living in Japan and have many times discussed the dropping of the Atom Bombs on Japan with many hundreds of Japanese. Of course they found it terrible that this was done but they also admit that if it had not been done, Japan would not be the country it is today. As an old Japanese man told me, he fought in the war, he lost friends and family but had the Allies not dropped the Atom Bomb, he wouldn't have been talking to me, his children and granchildren would not have been born and Japan would not exist as it is today.

If you want to tell everybody your opinion about America, thats your right but please dont go twisting and ignoring History.