but divorced may b yes.....when I came over to the Orion the other night wifey checked the QL and read the panties for peace thread.......thought I went for the collector items. Had to explain that it was all fun but she knew that some had come wearing a jacket(with extra inner pockets) expecting the same...... Gotto find the mole:))
Life is too short and if u r not living on the edge then u r taking up too much space.
but divorced may b yes.....when I came over to the Orion the other night wifey checked the QL and read the panties for peace thread.......thought I went for the collector items. Had to explain that it was all fun but she knew that some had come wearing a jacket(with extra inner pockets) expecting the same...... Gotto find the mole:))
Life is too short and if u r not living on the edge then u r taking up too much space.