I would not lose my temper until I find out the truth. I would be very calm and collective. Like I said, I would find out the truth before confronting him. I would want to know the facts. I don't fly off the handle very easily, but lying to me is one of the worse things you can do. That is just how I have always been. I see lying as a major character flaw and can't stand it. If the person I am in a relationship with can't be honest with me then there is no relationship.
I would not lose my temper until I find out the truth. I would be very calm and collective. Like I said, I would find out the truth before confronting him. I would want to know the facts. I don't fly off the handle very easily, but lying to me is one of the worse things you can do. That is just how I have always been. I see lying as a major character flaw and can't stand it. If the person I am in a relationship with can't be honest with me then there is no relationship.