No such thing as god and I dont need one to find an 'answer', 'path' or 'way'. The answer is 64 anyway. he he.

Anyway some results for you:

Mean % of population crime victims in Asia:
Sexual Assaults - 2.1%
Corruption - 15.1%
Consumer fraud - 29.3%

% Sexual Assaults, in the bastion of religious family values....................Cairo - 10.1% & Tunis - 5.5%

In the godless west the worst two % Sexual Assaults are...............Australia - 7.3% & Switzerland - 4.6%

Data from:
Key findings from the 1996 International Crime Victims Survey.
The Hague: Ministry of Justice, WODC
Criminal victimisation in the Developing World.
United Nations Publiction no 55, Rome, UNICRI

I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.