How can you say it's nt our business ! I feel it is a responsiblity of every citizen in the Society to keep his Society clean ...

At the time of marriage ofcousre the religion is considered in any religion !! don't base your example based on few successful cases, we are talking about majority and in general.

Regarding 4 wives (or more then 1 wife), yes it is allowed in some religion but based on terms and conditions. Law is not missused, if you study the reason based on religion you will agree, I was aslo against such act but when i went into depth and found that logic is corret !!

Why divorcing a wife is SINFUL to you in anycase? If the divorce is justified this it's not sinful, yes if someone just give divorce to his wife for NO REASON it is sinful coz she is innocent or it can be otherway around !!!

One point I agree with you regd, hippocracy and meida behind this .. all those pplz have Illegal sex is wrong, I just moved to Doha, last week i got dish installed in my home, i was shocked to see around more then 20 channels showing OPEN SEX (FULL NAKED) via Telephone on the TV in DOHA. Second thing shocked me that i am living in a Muslim Country and how does Govt. Authorities are not aware of such channels ??

Now again, what is the role of religion/ government here? Why they are blind !