If one decides(?!?!)to live within the moral framework of a religion that's fine, as you say, but I had the feeling(and I could be wrong)that Speed was trying to allude that this should be a 'legal' state for everyone.
I was just trying to point out to him, by questioning his motives for framing the question as he did, that most people in the world don't have religion as their centre and as a result the terms 'legal' and 'illegal' are meaningless.
Language is very important in molding a society, and I'm aware of the PC backlash (all for it in most cases), but the civil rights, womens and gay movements, amongst others, have shown that intolerance needs to be countered through language and descriptions first. Hence my alarm at words in these posts such as legal and illegal relationships, forbidden, basta*ds, shameful, illegal children.
Hey I know it wont change the world but you know what? it might just(a little bit)

I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.