At least in China whenever the culprits come to trial they are given capital punishments. I was following a story in China in which the labourers were chained and held hostage and forced to do work. When their plight surfaced the Government took swift action and now the convicts are waiting to be hanged.

We should also mention that the laws in China do not favor any particular race or should I say the foreigners do not have SPECIAL LAWS for them like in Qatar.

In China whenever a crime is reported the police and the Government take action and justice is served.
The problem here is that the laws are made to restrain the foreigners and giving the employer unlimited power and we all know how corruptive power can be. I dont think China has NOC or exit permit or the employer's permission to buy a car, to open an account to get driving license, to start a business.

So Qatari there is a vast difference between China and the middle east.
No doubt that human right abuses take place in China as well but the laws do not favour the employers.