for the nice night yesterday, the pleasure was mine to see you all again and come to meet new people as well.

Mom Scarlett> Thank you for organizing this one, it was nice to see you again after a while [+3 months :)] It is always a pleasure to be with you and having you around in any gathering. Whenever I see a place that shines with light, I was saying to myself mom Scarlett must be there. Did not have that much of talk with Mr. Mark, but the pleasure was mine to meet him.

Alexa> Finally I met the legendary Alexa ... Since my first days on QL and I'm seeing her online, but never got the chance to meet her in any of QL previous gatherings. It was nice to meet you finally.

Owen> The flower of any QL gatherings, the fireworks last night was really something and it worth the pain of walking and waiting.

Red_Pope> He is not anything like him on QL, I was having totally a different image that vanished when i opened my mouth ... hmmmm? Are you sure that this is Red_Pope?

Charan> What can I say dude, nice to see you again after quiet a long time ... he was the one who introduce me to Red_Pope and help me asking for forgiveness. No holly water was there, just wondering what were you two drinking as well as I have no experience at all in those and all look the same to me :)

Richard> You never get old man, what can i say ... what do you do exactly to keep yourself young like that? Having a glass of youth fountain every morning?

tcom> Better late than never, nice to see you last night man.

Corne> What a coincidence, we saw you on Corniche and were lucky enough to see you before leaving Orion.

Ram&Guest> Long time no see man, but it was nice to see you again.

R7, Jilfar, WaRider, KSA> Have a good conversation about work and movies, wish if we can talk more ... but my stomach voice were louder than anything back then :)

Hussam, Gypsy&Guest,Arona, Talesin sorry but I did not get the chance to talk to you last night, but it was again nice to meet you all.

My Apologies to the guys that I were unable to get their names or talk to, the group were really big as much as the first one in Orion before 3 months. Thank you all for being there and sorry for leaving early, but came directly from work to Corncihe to Orion and forget in between about lunch and dinner :)

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