Qatar Airways should implement new rules for its staff:
All women staff should cover their faces and hair plus they should also wear the Abayas (That way anyonce can come and blow up the plane)
All male staff should wear thobes of white color plus the Arabic sandals
Only halal food will be served on the plane so no alcohol
There shall be no mix gathering and no one should be allowed to drink alcohol. Failure to comply will result in being flogged and subsequently deported
Women shall not be allowed to drive (no mix gathering, how will they go for job??)
In the air female staff shall only cater to the needs of female passengers and the male staff only for the needs of the male passenger
Any female staff found missing from her accomodation after 10 pm would be considered of having an illicit relationship. Any female staff not in her accomodation after 10 pm for two consecutive day would be deemed to be involved in prostitution. For these offences the punishment will be stoning.
(citizens are requested to enlighten us with more reccomendations so that we can make Qatar Airways a truly Islamic Airlimes)
Qatar Airways should implement new rules for its staff:
All women staff should cover their faces and hair plus they should also wear the Abayas (That way anyonce can come and blow up the plane)
All male staff should wear thobes of white color plus the Arabic sandals
Only halal food will be served on the plane so no alcohol
There shall be no mix gathering and no one should be allowed to drink alcohol. Failure to comply will result in being flogged and subsequently deported
Women shall not be allowed to drive (no mix gathering, how will they go for job??)
In the air female staff shall only cater to the needs of female passengers and the male staff only for the needs of the male passenger
Any female staff found missing from her accomodation after 10 pm would be considered of having an illicit relationship. Any female staff not in her accomodation after 10 pm for two consecutive day would be deemed to be involved in prostitution. For these offences the punishment will be stoning.
(citizens are requested to enlighten us with more reccomendations so that we can make Qatar Airways a truly Islamic Airlimes)