A previous reader commented on the lack of response from Muslim leaders with regards to treatment of workers, and human rights.

Let me preface by saying that I am not Qatari, but am a Muslim. I am not defending the lack of action of Qatari employers, or lack of outrage from Qatari citizens. But I can say with full confidence, and truthfullness that Qatari Imams and Islamic leaders have NOT been silent on this issue.

I have attended several Friday prayer sermons where the entire lecture was focused on human rights of the local laborer, worker conditions, and Islams rules on the treatment of such workers. Islam, and Qatari's Islamic leadership have been clear in their disapproval of current condition in my perspective. The problem is that human nature has shown that making money trumps religion time and time again througout history.

Dont think that Qataris are somehow born and bred to be callous slave drivers, and that West is the lone enlightened peoples, with values, and compassion that is somehow void in the Middle East. Look at the historys of these same great nations, cotton picking slaves in the US, and legislized 2nd class citizenship and civil rights abuses only 50 years ago. Britain and the rest of Europe virtually enslaved the entire world to prop up their economies. To this day the US continues to be built on the backs of illegal Mexican workers that the govt turns a blind eye to because they get paid trivial wages.

What Qatar is doing today is no different than the rest of the world, but it also does not make it acceptable. I just wanted to redirect the conversation away from problems with Islam, or a perception that this sort of behaviour has its roots within Islam. It does not, its all about $$$$