Hello - thank you for sharing your experience. I have been combing the internet for this information. Do you have to submit the form for verification of non-resident status every year ? Or can it be done ahead of time (prior to the move) . . .

I am considering a position in Doha with my family . . . but financially it has to be tax-free to make it fly. If you could share your wisdom - I'd greatly appreciate it. Ideally i'd like to know Revenue Canada's opinion BEFORE I move over . . . is that possible ?

We'd have to keep open a bank account for some loan payments . . . and have no property to speak of . . . and my immediate family would be moving with me. . . and I want to take the wisest course of action (I've been audited once before - and do not relish the thought of any tangling with them . . . )

Any advice - WELCOME :-) HELP !!


Thank you