Regarding setting up the security connect you laptop or desktop to your wireless modem through lan cable. Go to network connection icon u will fin your dlink modem in it and click on it and right click to find the options for it,there will be option to go to the dlink site enter it and in the site there is security option click on the securty enabled and it will generate password 5 or 6 different passwords write it down and save changes once you save it, ur wireless device can only enter with password key search for ur wilress mdem in ur latop and it will ask for password key give it it will permanently save the pass key and u don't have to key it every time for mobile device sometimes u have to but for laptop once is enough. Once security is enable the wireless transmition power will increase and u can have very good coverage since its been password protected and specific. Try this and hope this was infromative
Dear friend,
Regarding setting up the security connect you laptop or desktop to your wireless modem through lan cable. Go to network connection icon u will fin your dlink modem in it and click on it and right click to find the options for it,there will be option to go to the dlink site enter it and in the site there is security option click on the securty enabled and it will generate password 5 or 6 different passwords write it down and save changes once you save it, ur wireless device can only enter with password key search for ur wilress mdem in ur latop and it will ask for password key give it it will permanently save the pass key and u don't have to key it every time for mobile device sometimes u have to but for laptop once is enough. Once security is enable the wireless transmition power will increase and u can have very good coverage since its been password protected and specific. Try this and hope this was infromative