There's no hard and fast formula to this issue. What's right for one child is not for another and only you as a parent can judge what's appropriate for your child at any given stage of development.
As the onset of puberty in both boys and girls continues to get earlier and earlier the 'facts of life' should be dealt with at a young enough age that kids have a clear understanding of whats happening.
That however is quite different to the kind of eductaion and advice that's required to empower them to make informed decisions about sexual relationships. And it ALL needs to be dealt with before your children face these challenges.
In the cultural societies I am used to, I am expecting that's going to be a process going on between the ages of about 7-8-9 and 12-13 and ongoing throughout the teens. On the earlier side for the girls.
IMO young people dont need to be told about the ins and outs of 'sexual activities' by their parents, if they are happy to ask Mum and Dad that then all very well, but most aren't going to be and many parents wont be comfortable with that either. The very nature of sexual exploration and school yard chatter will take care of that. Thay DO however need to be educated about the basic facts, sexual health issues and decision making (relationship advice). Fortunately more and more of the latter is now going on in good Personal Health & Social Education (British national curriculum) lessons in school so the kids of families that can't communicate in this way do have some form of support.
There's no hard and fast formula to this issue. What's right for one child is not for another and only you as a parent can judge what's appropriate for your child at any given stage of development.
As the onset of puberty in both boys and girls continues to get earlier and earlier the 'facts of life' should be dealt with at a young enough age that kids have a clear understanding of whats happening.
That however is quite different to the kind of eductaion and advice that's required to empower them to make informed decisions about sexual relationships. And it ALL needs to be dealt with before your children face these challenges.
In the cultural societies I am used to, I am expecting that's going to be a process going on between the ages of about 7-8-9 and 12-13 and ongoing throughout the teens. On the earlier side for the girls.
IMO young people dont need to be told about the ins and outs of 'sexual activities' by their parents, if they are happy to ask Mum and Dad that then all very well, but most aren't going to be and many parents wont be comfortable with that either. The very nature of sexual exploration and school yard chatter will take care of that. Thay DO however need to be educated about the basic facts, sexual health issues and decision making (relationship advice). Fortunately more and more of the latter is now going on in good Personal Health & Social Education (British national curriculum) lessons in school so the kids of families that can't communicate in this way do have some form of support.