Accidents Happen. It was probably an electronic problem. Technology has made a lot of things better and some flaky.
The one thing you do have correct is that they are "the strongest, smartest, etc military forces. Everybody's a quick to be a critiqe when they know the are outmatched.
What makes them the "Good Guys" is that they could wipe this entire region off the map, but Choose not to. Ever heard of Hiroshima?
Accidents Happen. It was probably an electronic problem. Technology has made a lot of things better and some flaky.
The one thing you do have correct is that they are "the strongest, smartest, etc military forces. Everybody's a quick to be a critiqe when they know the are outmatched.
What makes them the "Good Guys" is that they could wipe this entire region off the map, but Choose not to. Ever heard of Hiroshima?