in China, we can make friends by ICQ,QQ or Sina chat Room and etc. we call them as netfriends. this is a popular way to make new friend for whose are new in a strange city. as many of us have no more have to talk or meet in person. thus, we love to talk each other online. then making a date if find a gode feeling. Sometimes, we call this date as a blind-date:)
I think it does work in Doha or others!! To try, boys:)
share your life with me as we are different:)
in China, we can make friends by ICQ,QQ or Sina chat Room and etc. we call them as netfriends. this is a popular way to make new friend for whose are new in a strange city. as many of us have no more have to talk or meet in person. thus, we love to talk each other online. then making a date if find a gode feeling. Sometimes, we call this date as a blind-date:)
I think it does work in Doha or others!! To try, boys:)
share your life with me as we are different:)