1. Every year UMRA season starts From 1st. RABI-UL-AWWAL of the arabic month and ends at EID-UL-FITR.
2. There are no Umra charges from SAUDI Embassy, only your agent (MUKAWAL) who will process your visa, will charge you about QR.200(neg.) per passport for Adult and half of that for per passport of a child for their service. For further details please contact Mr. NOOR KARIM at Tel:4415779, Mob:5560124.
3. In your way for Umra you will find many auto shops and mechnics for your need if required, so need not to worry about. (TAWAKKAL ALALLAH)
Dear brother The answer to your question No.
1. Every year UMRA season starts From 1st. RABI-UL-AWWAL of the arabic month and ends at EID-UL-FITR.
2. There are no Umra charges from SAUDI Embassy, only your agent (MUKAWAL) who will process your visa, will charge you about QR.200(neg.) per passport for Adult and half of that for per passport of a child for their service. For further details please contact Mr. NOOR KARIM at Tel:4415779, Mob:5560124.
3. In your way for Umra you will find many auto shops and mechnics for your need if required, so need not to worry about. (TAWAKKAL ALALLAH)