I know that Islam does not preach violence the same as Christianity or Judaism does not per say preach violence.

I responded to Knoxcollege saying that NO religion JUSTIFIES violence, which is not true; as self defence is a justification for violence and killing.
I will find you a disturbing quote from a muslim believing that Islam is not a religion of peace, I know he is mistaken but it does reflect how dangerous religion can be:

"One Muslim extremist of the Islamic Liberation party reminded his interlocutors just before the scheduled opening of the party's international rally in London in August, 1994, that 'there are 123 verses in the Quran about killing and fighting.' And he added, quite unnecessarily, 'Ours is not a passive religion.' Quoted from Fregosi, P. (1998, p.18).
I have witnessed these 'muslims' myself in debate, in London, state the same as above.

As an aside, there is a whole industry of interpreting religious texts of all religions(ie the WORD of god), don't you think god should have made it easy and abundantly clear for all to follow? Seems to me the texts remain obscure because they were written by fallible humans and their very 'murkiness' keeps the power of thought and actions very much in the priestly/scholarly/rabbinical classes hands.

Over to you :)


I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.