Gypsy Gal, numbers that will fetch lots of money have less numbers. For example if you have a three digit car number (eg, 472) that would probably fetch you at least QR 150 000. More if it has a repition of digit or ascending or descending numbers (eg, 345) Your number has five digits but with an 89, a 2 and a 22 in it. I'm guessing at least QR 10 000 or more. Repition of numbers puts the price up, the more repition the higher the price. Three digit numbers are rarely for sale, four digit numbers are over QR 15 000 now and that's for a run of the mill one with no repitions etc.

The same applies to mobile phone numbers. Repition of numbers will bring you a high price.

It's a really popular thing to do here amongst the locals(maybe some expats too...don't know) to have ETR (Easy To Remember) numbers on cars and phones.

If you look at the supplements that come with some Arabic newspapers you'll see pages of ads on this subject. If you call and ask how much a certain number is you'll be told how high someone has offered so you can bid higher if you wish.

Love is the answer...