i think telling us about abdelhamid just like common name in Qatar. Like everybody / everyone call Muhammad or Abdullah. Probably you can give more detail who is he working for? and what nationality? or probably his physical appearance.
these house agent are really unscrupulous ... it is hard to find a decent one. Most agent have the list of the allowance of the main big company. Like Shell, Exxon, Maersk etc. Dont be surprise if the first thing they ask you is who your husband working for. If your husband working for a company who not generous for giving the housing allowance, they will tell you that they will call you back (and of course you will never hear from you again).
Nowadays it is hard to find a good house agent who not just care for their commission (spelling?).
i think telling us about abdelhamid just like common name in Qatar. Like everybody / everyone call Muhammad or Abdullah. Probably you can give more detail who is he working for? and what nationality? or probably his physical appearance.
these house agent are really unscrupulous ... it is hard to find a decent one. Most agent have the list of the allowance of the main big company. Like Shell, Exxon, Maersk etc. Dont be surprise if the first thing they ask you is who your husband working for. If your husband working for a company who not generous for giving the housing allowance, they will tell you that they will call you back (and of course you will never hear from you again).
Nowadays it is hard to find a good house agent who not just care for their commission (spelling?).
i wish u all the best for your house hunting :-)