A crucial question would be how soon, after joining, would you like to quit. Companies spend a lot of money in getting visa and other official formalities done so they are reluctant in losing their employees within 1-2 years. However, after a certain span of time, you can trick the company into giving you NOC for personal reason. Never tell them about a better job offer, my personal opinion. Job hopping is very common all over the world but IMHO, you will progress only when you stick to one company.
A crucial question would be how soon, after joining, would you like to quit. Companies spend a lot of money in getting visa and other official formalities done so they are reluctant in losing their employees within 1-2 years. However, after a certain span of time, you can trick the company into giving you NOC for personal reason. Never tell them about a better job offer, my personal opinion. Job hopping is very common all over the world but IMHO, you will progress only when you stick to one company.