Have you not heard the statements like " Diamonds are forever " and " A Diamond is a girls best friend " ?

Well diamonds are forever since, when you buy a diamond, you have to keep it forever , as its value reduces in an exponential manner and it makes no sense in selling it at 10 % of its price.

Secondly how do you know that the gold that you are buying is pure ? Back home they may just refuse to buy it back or ask for a 8 % discount on listed price.

Besides Gold will soon drop to about 800 $ per ounce in the comming months, so why buy at all ?

I sincerely feel that Silver has to do a lot of catching up so would buy Silver bricks if possible , I feel it will give better returns than Gold in the 10-12 month horizon !!

Cheers to you while you make the decision.

If you are buying as an ornament go for gold-- If you are buying as in investment -- go for Silver.