sorry to labour the point, I am glad that you were able to just submit your international license without the usual license, but don't always bank on it. The reality is that your IL is only really valid in conjunction with your normal license, as I said it is just a translation -to aid officials where they cannot understand the language on the original license (that is why you will see it translated in languages ranging from Urdu to Arabic to Japanese to Mandarin - certainly on the UK version you do). I just wanted to let you know so you don't get caught out.
sorry to labour the point, I am glad that you were able to just submit your international license without the usual license, but don't always bank on it. The reality is that your IL is only really valid in conjunction with your normal license, as I said it is just a translation -to aid officials where they cannot understand the language on the original license (that is why you will see it translated in languages ranging from Urdu to Arabic to Japanese to Mandarin - certainly on the UK version you do). I just wanted to let you know so you don't get caught out.