The fact the christians dont believe in Mohammad simply because he came after jesus is exactlly the point i made in my earlier post.
In the same manner the jews refused the messiah..christians refused mohammad...
In my openion, its all an issue of prestiege..
Like u said , if christians were to believe in mohammad, they would all be muslims..
and that would be a bad thing because??
because mohammad teaches different concepts than jesus!? NO
Becauses mohammad asked christians to CONVERT to something TOTALLY different than what they believe in??( like worshiping mohamad himslef, or the stones in Mekkah?) NO
That is exactlly the whole point..
In my view, its all foolish pride that prevents believers in juadism and christianity to accept and embrace islam as NOTHING MORE THAN THE NATURAL CONTINUATION of their own religion..which is exactlly what Mohammad and the quran clearly stipulated..
What do u think it means when the quran says that If a person DOESNT NOTTTTTTT believe in jesus and moses, the bilble and the torah, in addition to mohammad and the quran, His faith would be null and void..
Look at it this way ppl...
Mohammad was a man who was largely influencial and was able to establish an entire EMPIRE based solely on his own efforts..
why if he was faking or making up something new, did he not preach to people to worship HIM! or to worship something he created himself..
why bother make a strong unbreakable bond between the religion he preached, and religions of OTHER PEOPLES and of OTHER TIMES!!!
If not because the religionhe preached was merely a continuation of what came before him, why would he have bothered in the 1st place???
Someone else was discussing that the mekkah society was predominantely christian and jewish at the time of Mohammad, and that is inaccurate..
To our knowledge, there was but 1 christian residng in mekkah at the time, and he ( ironically enough) was the cousine of Mohammad;s wife, and he was the one who proclaimed to mohammad that he is the new prophet of the times based on his readings of biblical scriptures..
Which again is a very important simbolic jesture, that one religion is passing on the torsh if u will to the other in the spirit of harmony and cooperation, not animosity and conflict...
Here is a mind teaser..
If mohammad indeed is no prophet, and he made the whole thing up..
Why would he bother making up a story about him bieng scared out of his whitts and shivering and shaking ( upon recieving the revelation), and why would he then seek knowledge and refuge at the hands of a christian man!!!
Is that not COUNTER productive if he was making it up??
and also.look at it in historical context..
who would the tough macho arabs beleiev, a man who gets scared and shivers from fear ..or a tough man who cares who is more macho than all of em???
why bother then tell a story about him bieng scared that lasts for eternity??
wouldnt that make him look " bad" if he was making the whole thing up??
The fact the christians dont believe in Mohammad simply because he came after jesus is exactlly the point i made in my earlier post.
In the same manner the jews refused the messiah..christians refused mohammad...
In my openion, its all an issue of prestiege..
Like u said , if christians were to believe in mohammad, they would all be muslims..
and that would be a bad thing because??
because mohammad teaches different concepts than jesus!? NO
Becauses mohammad asked christians to CONVERT to something TOTALLY different than what they believe in??( like worshiping mohamad himslef, or the stones in Mekkah?) NO
That is exactlly the whole point..
In my view, its all foolish pride that prevents believers in juadism and christianity to accept and embrace islam as NOTHING MORE THAN THE NATURAL CONTINUATION of their own religion..which is exactlly what Mohammad and the quran clearly stipulated..
What do u think it means when the quran says that If a person DOESNT NOTTTTTTT believe in jesus and moses, the bilble and the torah, in addition to mohammad and the quran, His faith would be null and void..
Look at it this way ppl...
Mohammad was a man who was largely influencial and was able to establish an entire EMPIRE based solely on his own efforts..
why if he was faking or making up something new, did he not preach to people to worship HIM! or to worship something he created himself..
why bother make a strong unbreakable bond between the religion he preached, and religions of OTHER PEOPLES and of OTHER TIMES!!!
If not because the religionhe preached was merely a continuation of what came before him, why would he have bothered in the 1st place???
Someone else was discussing that the mekkah society was predominantely christian and jewish at the time of Mohammad, and that is inaccurate..
To our knowledge, there was but 1 christian residng in mekkah at the time, and he ( ironically enough) was the cousine of Mohammad;s wife, and he was the one who proclaimed to mohammad that he is the new prophet of the times based on his readings of biblical scriptures..
Which again is a very important simbolic jesture, that one religion is passing on the torsh if u will to the other in the spirit of harmony and cooperation, not animosity and conflict...
Here is a mind teaser..
If mohammad indeed is no prophet, and he made the whole thing up..
Why would he bother making up a story about him bieng scared out of his whitts and shivering and shaking ( upon recieving the revelation), and why would he then seek knowledge and refuge at the hands of a christian man!!!
Is that not COUNTER productive if he was making it up??
and also.look at it in historical context..
who would the tough macho arabs beleiev, a man who gets scared and shivers from fear ..or a tough man who cares who is more macho than all of em???
why bother then tell a story about him bieng scared that lasts for eternity??
wouldnt that make him look " bad" if he was making the whole thing up??
Think about it...
"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat