1) What are the fundamental differences between Islam and Christianity?

In my openion, there is only 1 fundemental difference between Christianity and Islam..

That difference is " What is Jesus?"

Is he God/son of God..or is he a messenger of God like those before him ( Moses, Abraham, u name it)

In my own understanding, All three devine religions are Universal and coinciding in thier message.

It appears to me, that every religion seems to try to Hold on to whatever it is that makes them " More special" than the others to justify bieng members of that particular religion.

Thats why in my openion, the Jews are hung up of the notion of " God;s choosen people", and the christians are hung up on the notion that jesus is the son of God, and muslims are hung up on the issue of bieng the last and the final religion...

2) What are the fundamental similarities?

Almost every aspect of the two religions is simillar..

The main pillar is the same..God is supreme, is the only diety worthy of worship, be good and kind to your fellow creatures on earth ( humans, animals, and plants), Be loving, be generous, and live a good life on earth ( in following the 10 commandments as Gipsy noted) so u can escape hell fire and be rewarded with everlasting paradise.

3)Which one is right?

None of the 3 devine religions is wrong, and in my view point it is both absurd and silly to claim otherwise.

The sourse of all 3 religions is the same( God), and therfore the message is the same..

The differences we now see between them is ( in my view point) man made, and CERTAINLY not GOD MADE...

Bieng more specific, in my view point ( and by saying this i in NO WAY am trying to offend believers of christianity), The early scholars of christianity in fear of loosing thier " privilledge status" as the NEW " choosen people" created the notion of the devinity of Jesus to insure followers and prospective followers will find this " something extra" that distincts christianity from Juadism, and therfore inusre the sustainability of the new religion...

In my view point, Jesus never claimed to be God or the son of God or any other form of devine for that matter ( a confirmed truth by some of christianitie's most reputable scholars..Read keren Armestrong;s " a history of God" for details)

so the bottom line is, if we exclude the issue of the divinty of jesus, christianity and islam are one and the same...

why do i follow whichever one it is you follow?(Islam)

I am a follower and believer in islam not because i DO NOT believe in christianity and Juadism..but because i DO!

I follow Islam because Islam is the ONLY religion of the 3 that endorses and accepts the other 2 as an integral part of the faith.

Juadism never accepted christianity ( till today), and Christianity never accepted islam ( till today)..

Islam from the " get go" was very clear that Islam is a faith that is NOT COMPLETE untill and unless a muslim believe in Jesus and moses, the bible and the torah( old testiment)

In my view point, God was mercifull towards the human kind, and therefore sent man kind his message in parts.

In the same way we learn the same topics in school, then university, then in hiegher education , but with increasing levels of complexity and detail( corrosponding to our increased awareness and growing mental capacity to understand more complex issues) , God also sent us his message in stages..

Juadism was very simple , straigh forward, and laying down the basics, There is only one God worth worshiping..Worship him, and observe these 10 simple rules in the process ( the 10 commandments)

Christianity came with a more sophisticated message that incorprated to the above mentioned notions like unconditional love, forgivness, and " My kingdom is not of this world" to adress the increasing materialistic take the Jews were putting on the religion.

Islam came to build on both established pillars , and to provide an extra wealth of details covering every single aspect of human life , from eating and drinking and sex, to ethics of warfare ,to inheritance and human rights and the universality of God's message...

So in saying i m a muslim, i am also professing to being jewish and christian( or so i believe)..

The way i see it, Islam is the continuation, is the PHD of religion if christianity is a Masters degree and juadism is a bachelor's degree...

So why do i follow islam..Because i d much rather be a PHD holder, than bieng a masters degree holder or a bachelor's degree holder..

I know( and believe to be true) all what the masters degree grad and the bachelor's degree grad know and believe, and i have a bit extra...( excluding the bits where my religion is dubbed null and void off course hehe, and also excluding the divinity of jesus christ who is a central figure in muslim belief)..



"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat