We tend to do a bit of baking prior to Eid.
Usually the night before (or earlier if you're really organised) we gather the kids around and make some biscuits and traditional sweets. These are then ready to distribute during the Eid prayer and also to the neighbours. They are also really handy when people come to visit you during Eid.
What I've noticed here in Qatar is that friends and neighbours seem to visit each other a lot more on Eid than back home. I guess it's because we don't have family here, so our friends tend to become our new support structure.
On the 2 Eids that I've so far spent in Qatar our 'new' tradition seems to be going to City Centre and getting some good sale items! LOL I guess that's our variation on spending the day at the park (too hot) or visiting the grandparents (too far) or staying at home (too boring).