it's easy. If some big strong company (spesially the western one) has an opening for let's say "Executive Secretary" with the salary range of 7,500 - 10,000, they even wouldn't consider to invite filipinas or indians for the interview (and it's not that I am a racist, it is just a fact!), because they have enough of western "friends of friends" to fill up this position with this kind of salary! On the other hand, if some small company can afford to pay only QR 3000 for the Executive Secretary position, i believe that very few westerns would consider taking this position. So who is working for 3000? Filipinas. Who is working for 9000? Westerns. It is a market situation, and of course not a Company's policy!

Celsayed, if you are westenr it doesn't give you automatically QR 12000 or 15000 a month. You have to be lucky to find the appropriate company to get this salary. I know nurses that are getting 2500 a month only!!!