first, if you take exception with something gypsy said take it up with her.
second, if you are comparing a criminal act like DUI in the west to a general behavior (bad driving) in Qatar, then it is you who has a "rubbish mind" as you put it.
murder is wrong. if a murder happens and society punishes it, then that society proves its commitment to reducing this wrong and protecting its people. DIU is wrong and the west has proven its commitment to reducing it. what is qatar doing about its dangerous driving? aside from people like you saying it is acceptable because a few people drive drunk in the west, i don't see much happening.
also, 2 wrongs don't make a right. if you want to argue about something completely different to what i originally posted (general bad behavior and one society's tolerance of it versus criminal acts and the extraordinary lengths another society will go to to stop it) then start a new thread. honestly, if you can't see the difference between the two then something is not right.
and while i don't agree with US or western policy in the middle east, don't blame that for all the violence in this region. there are plenty of examples of arabs killing arabs without our help. mankind in many parts of the world has an obsession with violence - that includes westerners and arabs. this goes back to mature people and cultures being able to self assess their strengths and weaknesses - something you don't seem too good at. i accept my society's faults. i hope that one day you will too.
i welcome the opportunity to debate issues with you in the future but you need raise your game. sticking to the topic and addressing the points raised in the original thread is one such way of doing this.
there are many things wrong with western society, but bad driving is not one of them. there are dangerous drivers in the west, but as a society we go go great lengths to punish them. you have obviously never lived in a western country because if you did you would see the difference immediately. speaking about things you know of is another way of raising your game.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
first, if you take exception with something gypsy said take it up with her.
second, if you are comparing a criminal act like DUI in the west to a general behavior (bad driving) in Qatar, then it is you who has a "rubbish mind" as you put it.
murder is wrong. if a murder happens and society punishes it, then that society proves its commitment to reducing this wrong and protecting its people. DIU is wrong and the west has proven its commitment to reducing it. what is qatar doing about its dangerous driving? aside from people like you saying it is acceptable because a few people drive drunk in the west, i don't see much happening.
also, 2 wrongs don't make a right. if you want to argue about something completely different to what i originally posted (general bad behavior and one society's tolerance of it versus criminal acts and the extraordinary lengths another society will go to to stop it) then start a new thread. honestly, if you can't see the difference between the two then something is not right.
and while i don't agree with US or western policy in the middle east, don't blame that for all the violence in this region. there are plenty of examples of arabs killing arabs without our help. mankind in many parts of the world has an obsession with violence - that includes westerners and arabs. this goes back to mature people and cultures being able to self assess their strengths and weaknesses - something you don't seem too good at. i accept my society's faults. i hope that one day you will too.
i welcome the opportunity to debate issues with you in the future but you need raise your game. sticking to the topic and addressing the points raised in the original thread is one such way of doing this.
there are many things wrong with western society, but bad driving is not one of them. there are dangerous drivers in the west, but as a society we go go great lengths to punish them. you have obviously never lived in a western country because if you did you would see the difference immediately. speaking about things you know of is another way of raising your game.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I