I hate to stereotype, but I am seeing a very consistent trend. The Filipina housemaids that are looking for jobs have a ton of attitude, respond to your ad request for full time, but really want part time, and do not seem too desperate for a job at all. Despite me offering a salary of 1,500 with accomodations and sponsorship, they want to only work for WHITE English folks and Americans. If you have a touch of ethnicity in addition to your American background, they are clearly not pleased. Apparently they prefer lily white employers.
They also seem to have a lot of baggage, in terms of husbands and boyfriend quarrels etc, they often require specific days and nights off (Thursday night and Friday).
I think I have decided to see if I can find an Indonesian house maid with decent english skills. Any ideas or advice from anybody out there?
I hate to stereotype, but I am seeing a very consistent trend. The Filipina housemaids that are looking for jobs have a ton of attitude, respond to your ad request for full time, but really want part time, and do not seem too desperate for a job at all. Despite me offering a salary of 1,500 with accomodations and sponsorship, they want to only work for WHITE English folks and Americans. If you have a touch of ethnicity in addition to your American background, they are clearly not pleased. Apparently they prefer lily white employers.
They also seem to have a lot of baggage, in terms of husbands and boyfriend quarrels etc, they often require specific days and nights off (Thursday night and Friday).
I think I have decided to see if I can find an Indonesian house maid with decent english skills. Any ideas or advice from anybody out there?