I had realised that so many non-muslem whom mentioned that fasting is so hard to stand may have not realised that there are some rules to be followed in order to stand being without food and liquids from dawn till sunset.

1- You should try avoiding eating heavy or chilly types of meals. And not to load the stomach with more than its capacity.
This practice has to be followed in general.

The prophet Mohd. used to start breaking his fast by drinking some milk and few pieces of dates. Then he goes for prayer. Then he return to his meal.

Its medically proven that once you eat any meal. You will start to lost the feel of hunger after around 15 - 20 min.
So if you start your meal with a minor quantity and leave it for few min. You will return back with much less eagerness to eat, where you can just eat so reasonable quantity which is suitable for your stomach. Hense you will never suffer from any stomach problems during the evening.

2- I am sure that most non muslems are not aware that there is another lighter meal that has to be taken later on?

As muslems, its recommended to drink some water just before dawn's time. And it's highly recommended to eat some light meal before the dawn time or 2 - 3 hours before, such as high protin food or green salads and yougort ..etc. NOT HEAVY OR CHILLY MEALS.

Otherwise you may suffer from dry throat or hunger during the day time and you may feel dizzy as some had mentioned.

3- You must try not to expose yourself to sports or being under heat as possible. TO avoid losing lots of water from your body.

If you follow these simple rules, I assure that you will never face any problems, neither feel thisty or exhausted.
Of course you may feel some hunger near breakfast , but this does not mean at all that you had lost all your energy and near to collapse.

On the contrary , i always feel my stomach so comfortable during fasting times.

Fasting is not just to prohibit food and drinks. As Army001 posted earlier , its to control our thoughts, words, behaviour and actions. Its like a spiritual training more than just to be banned from food, drinks and sex during day times.

Regards to all who had shared in the above posts