Thanks for posting it - I have not seen it in a long time. Motivating! What's it about frogs that teach us so much? :) coz here's another one teaching us about change...
What Can Frogs Teach Us About Change?

You have probably heard that old story bandied about in management circles about two frogs.

One is put into a pot of boiling water and guess what happens? Surprisingly, it jumps out…very quickly! (Smart frog!) The other frog is put into a pot of cold water which is put over low heat. The heat is then gradually turned up to the boiling point, but the frog doesn't notice the subtle small changes and allows itself to be boiled to death. (Yuck!)

Now for animal lovers out there who might be shocked and appalled by this concept - let me say that I don't know if this experiment was actually conducted or if they used real frogs. But that story got me thinking about us and our similarity to frogs. Many people can slowly subside into a seething mass of mediocrity and it is amazing how easy it is for us not to notice a continuous slow decline in the quality of our lifestyles.

Think of the last time a crisis occurred in your life - something that precipitated a sudden and dramatic change. Although it was terrible at the time, I bet it made you rethink your goals, hopes, dreams, purpose, and the meaning of your life in a big way. Just like being dropped into a vat of boiling water, you'll make a very quick choice and change!

So should we look at something that forces change upon us as bad? Or could we maybe remember to keep the bigger picture in mind? If we played a game and you had to pretend you were looking back on this sudden change from the future, what growth and development did the incident spur in you? Did it change the direction of your life? Or trigger you to do something that you had wanted to do for years, but hadn't had the courage, impetus, or time to do?

If we want to make changes in our lives, we usually think about making one change at a time - doing it gradually so it's not too stressful or scary. There is some merit to this idea of course! But maybe there's also merit in throwing ourselves into "the pot of boiling water" and making lots of changes all at once.

It's more frightening, more challenging, and probably more stressful - but you might surprise yourself by your resourcefulness and abilities! Often, it takes extreme circumstances to bring out qualities you never knew you had. Difficult situations also help you develop confidence in your feelings, intuition, and inner knowing.

For example, sometimes we are working in a job that we feel is wrong, but we don't have the courage to "take the plunge" (just to continue the frog/water metaphor!) and do what we feel is right - even if we don't have another job lined up.

A divorce is also a good example of the "boiling water" syndrome. At the time our whole world is shattered. Yet, ask most divorced people five years after the divorce how life is different and the answers are similar. "It was awful at the time, but it's the best thing that ever happened to me. Since then I've ....."

Or death of a loved one. Another example of being thrown into boiling water…

Sometimes, it's exhilarating to be thrown into boiling water - whether it's your choice or someone else's. As the season changes from Summer to Fall, this is a good time to ask yourself - how do I view change? Pretend you are looking back from the future. What impact did the Big Change have on your life? What did you tell yourself about it at the time? Perhaps in the present time, we can choose to look on it as a stepping stone (even if it's a forced stepping stone!) and opportunity to test ourselves and our abilities. And to see how good you really are…because it's usually much better than you ever thought possible!
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin

~ your thoughts create your reality ~