Senti> Don't worry because I'm sleeping in a one of those Helicopters, I will die if something like that happened but they won't crash it to my head ... never ..
Hamlet> I've been sleeping at 1:00 , 1:30 and 2:00 AM for quite a long time, now in Ramadan have to wake up at 3:30, sleep after prayer for 1 hour, wake up to work and ... no sleep at all ... so it is really tiring and taking over my body ... it is already boiling .. you can heat something for So7oor if you want :)
Senti> Don't worry because I'm sleeping in a one of those Helicopters, I will die if something like that happened but they won't crash it to my head ... never ..
Hamlet> I've been sleeping at 1:00 , 1:30 and 2:00 AM for quite a long time, now in Ramadan have to wake up at 3:30, sleep after prayer for 1 hour, wake up to work and ... no sleep at all ... so it is really tiring and taking over my body ... it is already boiling .. you can heat something for So7oor if you want :)