1) It's just someone making trouble, the letter is written by a made-up name, there is no one in Dukhan by that name. If they were that concerned they would have signed with their real name.
2) There are only 4 muslim teaching staff( but many support staff) and yes we will be working 6.45am till 2.30pm, however the children do 7.15 till 2.15. Younger children leave at 12.45(?) or 1.30 depending on their age.
Us non-muslim teaching staff(95%) do not mind no reduction in hours. We find it difficult enough fitting in the curriculum as it is over the year without having yet less time - we are here for the students after all.
You must remember that families have their leave spread over the whole year and have to take long vacations to their home countries during term time, this is very important- they CANNOT afford to miss anymore valuable learning time(this time cannot be repeated in the time left to us).
As teachers we are not entitled to any overtime and most of us work at home in the evening on preparation and/or marking 10-15hrs per week. We dont mind working the full hrs during Ramadan as its what the children need and are entilted to recieve from us. Now whether it legal or not is another question!
3) Is it not the fact that children should only start fasting when they reach puberty? Before that, I believe, it's dangerous to their health? Im sure I'll get some fierce responses to that! lol
This is as honest as I can be without breaking any confidences, and I have no idea about the internal politics of the situation.
Look forward to all your comments.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Regarding the QP school - 3 points
1) It's just someone making trouble, the letter is written by a made-up name, there is no one in Dukhan by that name. If they were that concerned they would have signed with their real name.
2) There are only 4 muslim teaching staff( but many support staff) and yes we will be working 6.45am till 2.30pm, however the children do 7.15 till 2.15. Younger children leave at 12.45(?) or 1.30 depending on their age.
Us non-muslim teaching staff(95%) do not mind no reduction in hours. We find it difficult enough fitting in the curriculum as it is over the year without having yet less time - we are here for the students after all.
You must remember that families have their leave spread over the whole year and have to take long vacations to their home countries during term time, this is very important- they CANNOT afford to miss anymore valuable learning time(this time cannot be repeated in the time left to us).
As teachers we are not entitled to any overtime and most of us work at home in the evening on preparation and/or marking 10-15hrs per week. We dont mind working the full hrs during Ramadan as its what the children need and are entilted to recieve from us. Now whether it legal or not is another question!
3) Is it not the fact that children should only start fasting when they reach puberty? Before that, I believe, it's dangerous to their health? Im sure I'll get some fierce responses to that! lol
This is as honest as I can be without breaking any confidences, and I have no idea about the internal politics of the situation.
Look forward to all your comments.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.