The Levant countries have a much more relaxed attitue to Ramadan, in the sense that some food outlets are open during the day because they have indigenous Christian populations(ie Arab). The Christian Arabs and non-muslim ex-pats are very respectful of not eating in front of those fasting. I have sat in mixed staff rooms where no one who was fasting would dream of curtailing eating, their response was" it is I that am fasting not you, this is my test, please do not stop on my account"

They work longer hours than here and do find it hard and a test, so paradoxically they are more 'liberal' but observe Ramadan in the way it was intended.

This engenders a respect towards those who are fasting(90% of pop.) But here in Qatar because everything pretty much stops and is closed it encorages the attitude of 'that which is forbidden is all the more tempting' and 'rules are made to be broken'.

Just my observations. Ramadan Kareem.

I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.