yeah exercise will be fine but she should lessen her food intake. what i did b4, oatmeal for breakfast, more fruits (if your baby's breasfeeding), they say, she should eat fruits w/ vit. c "moderately". i'm 5'3" and when i was pregnant, i weigh 66 kgs.. but now, i weigh 57kgs (little bit fat.he he). or see a dietician.
yeah exercise will be fine but she should lessen her food intake. what i did b4, oatmeal for breakfast, more fruits (if your baby's breasfeeding), they say, she should eat fruits w/ vit. c "moderately". i'm 5'3" and when i was pregnant, i weigh 66 kgs.. but now, i weigh 57kgs (little bit fat.he he). or see a dietician.