jmns welcome to doha / bienvenido a doha

English can be an issue since most of the schools will evaluate your children to check for english level.

There are some options but must be checked upon arrival to see availability and possibility to registe your kids.

Sept is really close but if you can find an english tutor for your kids that would be a plus.

Here there is a center named cedars tutoring center in which non english speaking kids are registered to level up with the language and then after a while you could try any of the schools.

Hope this works for you

(My apologies to all QLers for my spanish: Si necesitas alguna informacion adicional no dudes en escribir via mensaje privado PM, que con gusto y dentro de mis posibilidades ayudare...saludos. Por cierto tambien soy venezolano e Ing. de Yacimientos)