i understand u because i hv d same situation like u but im not yet confirm if he is in relation wd another lady...we have 2 kids now and we r not leaving in one house as of now...i dont know wat happen to our relationship ... he is different now not like before when we are starting our love....before is different from now present men like this...
i want to have separation also with him because we are just fighting and sometime it will come to hurt each other physical and emotional abusing each other...if your going to ask me if i still love him...my answer is yes.... i love him so much....thats why i have 2 kids fm him...but in our situation we are okey today but tomorrow expect dat we are fighting....i dont want to show to my kids and im feeling bad if my kids will see us like dis....i want also a good and happy family but im not sure i can stay with him foreever...same like u i want to go back to my own country but as of now im working and saving money for my kids if he will not change and not give us time and importance maybe i have to go.....people will say for d sake of d kids dont make any decision to leave but if d people dnt understand each other anymore dnt respect each other anymore its time to stop d relation...
:::they say make d relationship with d bachelor make d relation with the priest make d relation with the gay ....u can make relationship to anybody except relationship with family man....because with d family man ...u will destroy d life of the wife as well as d children...how many person life u will destroy????
i understand u because i hv d same situation like u but im not yet confirm if he is in relation wd another lady...we have 2 kids now and we r not leaving in one house as of now...i dont know wat happen to our relationship ... he is different now not like before when we are starting our love....before is different from now present men like this...
i want to have separation also with him because we are just fighting and sometime it will come to hurt each other physical and emotional abusing each other...if your going to ask me if i still love him...my answer is yes.... i love him so much....thats why i have 2 kids fm him...but in our situation we are okey today but tomorrow expect dat we are fighting....i dont want to show to my kids and im feeling bad if my kids will see us like dis....i want also a good and happy family but im not sure i can stay with him foreever...same like u i want to go back to my own country but as of now im working and saving money for my kids if he will not change and not give us time and importance maybe i have to go.....people will say for d sake of d kids dont make any decision to leave but if d people dnt understand each other anymore dnt respect each other anymore its time to stop d relation...
:::they say make d relationship with d bachelor make d relation with the priest make d relation with the gay ....u can make relationship to anybody except relationship with family man....because with d family man ...u will destroy d life of the wife as well as d children...how many person life u will destroy????