If you are criticizing for the sake of criticism, then it would be fine. You need to scan all the areas and prepare a snag list.
Honestly, I did not get what you want and what you mean.
What do you mean y saying Qatar is a country without soul? is it a dead place?
Taking Carrefour as an example of services. Sorry, this is not a service. It is a private company and you need to file a complain to the headoffice in France about Carrefour bad service or visit the French embassy here to express your opinion to the economic attache.
Qatar is not living a transition period with massive construction. Ups and downs are expected insuch case anywhere in the world, but the country has to develop and expand. Otherwise you or someone like you would come and say that the country is still living the stone age.
Your statistics about monthly death total is completely wrong. The official figure is 270 per year. Unless you have your own sources which I guess it is based on a gossip.
"Constructing near the desert" is an indicator that you see only the negative side - if that is considered negative. You did not say for example that the construction near the sea.
Beauty my dear is something relative. What you might find not beautiful, others would fansy and admire. Many people Fansy going camping in the desert watching the moon or the shooting stars, enjoying the charm and silence and purity of the desert.
You might consider yourself beautiful. Some would consider you gorgious, others would consider you ugly or very ugly.
SO. To conclude, would recommend that you comment or criticize in a scientific and constructive way. Not through throwing words and comments not related to each other or irrelevant or wrong. Wish you can see with both eyes. Not with one eye closd and the other half opened.
If you are criticizing for the sake of criticism, then it would be fine. You need to scan all the areas and prepare a snag list.
Honestly, I did not get what you want and what you mean.
What do you mean y saying Qatar is a country without soul? is it a dead place?
Taking Carrefour as an example of services. Sorry, this is not a service. It is a private company and you need to file a complain to the headoffice in France about Carrefour bad service or visit the French embassy here to express your opinion to the economic attache.
Qatar is not living a transition period with massive construction. Ups and downs are expected insuch case anywhere in the world, but the country has to develop and expand. Otherwise you or someone like you would come and say that the country is still living the stone age.
Your statistics about monthly death total is completely wrong. The official figure is 270 per year. Unless you have your own sources which I guess it is based on a gossip.
"Constructing near the desert" is an indicator that you see only the negative side - if that is considered negative. You did not say for example that the construction near the sea.
Beauty my dear is something relative. What you might find not beautiful, others would fansy and admire. Many people Fansy going camping in the desert watching the moon or the shooting stars, enjoying the charm and silence and purity of the desert.
You might consider yourself beautiful. Some would consider you gorgious, others would consider you ugly or very ugly.
SO. To conclude, would recommend that you comment or criticize in a scientific and constructive way. Not through throwing words and comments not related to each other or irrelevant or wrong. Wish you can see with both eyes. Not with one eye closd and the other half opened.