Richard, there are many pyschically challenged locals working in various places around town. Eg, Hamad Hopsital, QP, QTel, various schools...I could go on.
If I may go on my soap box for a moment, there is also a ward or two of brain damaged children/adults living at the hospital...last time I visited I was told by the dctor that at least half or more were the victims of not wearing a seatbelt or being in a car seat during a car crash. Preventible, preventible, preventible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you know ANYONE who does not buckle up or use car seats then please have a word. Or if you wish to be more direct hand out flyers (obtainable from Traffic Police) at traffic lights or donate a car seat to a family or a charity. There are certainly plenty of people who do not buckle up or have their children on their lap in the front.
And, yes, I realise that the authorities are not doing enough to tackle this. I'm working on them. But we can each do our bit as well. 'It takes a village' and all that.
Steps off soap box...
Love is the answer...
Richard, there are many pyschically challenged locals working in various places around town. Eg, Hamad Hopsital, QP, QTel, various schools...I could go on.
If I may go on my soap box for a moment, there is also a ward or two of brain damaged children/adults living at the hospital...last time I visited I was told by the dctor that at least half or more were the victims of not wearing a seatbelt or being in a car seat during a car crash. Preventible, preventible, preventible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you know ANYONE who does not buckle up or use car seats then please have a word. Or if you wish to be more direct hand out flyers (obtainable from Traffic Police) at traffic lights or donate a car seat to a family or a charity. There are certainly plenty of people who do not buckle up or have their children on their lap in the front.
And, yes, I realise that the authorities are not doing enough to tackle this. I'm working on them. But we can each do our bit as well. 'It takes a village' and all that.
Steps off soap box...
Love is the answer...