a particular case.......I agree the wife has to look somewhere to fullfill her needs if he is ignoring her for whatever reasons.
I know a case where after so many years of marriage the woman was caught red handed with her best friend by her husband but he still has continued with the marrige because of his children, although she wanted a divorce.She told my wife he ignored her and some how or the other she got involved with the other woman.
Libedo varies from person to person and deminishes with age.Also rarely do u find libedo in women matching that of men. So one should not take the other person for granted and be inconsiderate of his/her needs.
There is an old saying in our language.....If the PEG is strong the cow wont break off.
a particular case.......I agree the wife has to look somewhere to fullfill her needs if he is ignoring her for whatever reasons.
I know a case where after so many years of marriage the woman was caught red handed with her best friend by her husband but he still has continued with the marrige because of his children, although she wanted a divorce.She told my wife he ignored her and some how or the other she got involved with the other woman.
Libedo varies from person to person and deminishes with age.Also rarely do u find libedo in women matching that of men. So one should not take the other person for granted and be inconsiderate of his/her needs.
There is an old saying in our language.....If the PEG is strong the cow wont break off.