There is a Marriage Committee that overseas the ritual bonding of adult men and women, but before you contact them for detailed break down of what is required, check this out first.
Warning: Your trust on the institute of marriage was not meant to be shaken. huh!
GT-Sunday August 26th
A QATARI national who married a Muslim woman in her country but has been frustrated in his attempts to bring her into Qatar, has complained of the harsh regulations imposed by the Marriage Committee, according to reports published in the local Arabic press.
The 50-year-old national explained that he went to an Islamic country a year ago and got married. After returning to Doha he began the official process to bring in his wife. The Marriage Committee asked for all the relevant documents, including a marriage certificate signed and attested by the Foreign Ministry of his wife’s country, all of which he provided.
The man further pointed out that an official of the authority told him that he cannot bring his wife into the country because he did not get the committee’s approval “before marrying her,” he said. “I felt humiliated, because I have not violated the marriage law. I will face punishment, if I have indeed violated my country’s marriage laws,” he added.
According to the Qatari, the head of the Marriage Committee did not listen to his pleas.