Under local residency rules for expatriates that are currently in force:

1- You cannot change your sponsor unless you have completed a minimum of two years under the first employer. If this is your second or third employer, the minimum period required to qualify for a release is one year.

2- The decision to give you a visa release is purely that of the sponsor. If they agree, you can change your job. If not, you are forced to stay with this sponsor or employer or leave for good if you so desire. In any case, a release is not valid unless you have completed at least two full years (from the date shown on your work visa) under the first sponsor.

3- If you decide to leave Qatar, you will be banned from re-entry on a work visa for a period of two years. This period however can be waived if your earlier sponsor agrees to such a request from your new employer and this agreement is endorsed by the interior ministry.

As long as the employer has provided you everything such as salary, allowances and other benefits outlined in the contract, you have no legal basis to complain.

Regarding the seedy accommodation- this can be sorted with your employer on an amicable basis such as seeking a housing allowance instead of company provided accommodation.

You should have ensured the salary you agreed with your sponsor before taking the job, is sufficient for your needs here and to support your family in the Philippines. Honestly, there's no point in cribbing over it now, at this stage.

If the salary and benefits agreed upon and mentioned in the contract are not being provided, you have a right to contact the labor department and seek redress of your greivances.