Sardar went to the restaurant and asked for the break fast.
Sardar Which is the hot break fast here ?
Waiter Parautha sir
Sardar Nothing is hot than parautha?
Waiter Why not ? We have Aluchop
Sarar Do u have any hot thins after aluchop ? What is the hottest thins in this restaurant ?
Waiter We have fire sir.
Sarder AH ok Give me one plate Fire.
Jauntie jokes about me and copper.?lol
Sardar went to the restaurant and asked for the break fast.
Sardar Which is the hot break fast here ?
Waiter Parautha sir
Sardar Nothing is hot than parautha?
Waiter Why not ? We have Aluchop
Sarar Do u have any hot thins after aluchop ? What is the hottest thins in this restaurant ?
Waiter We have fire sir.
Sarder AH ok Give me one plate Fire.
"Drink Beer Save Water"