Well, this question can be tricky, difficult to answer and scary as much as the thread itself. Different kind of fears because of the different ways we feel, life style, other issues and emotions that we got.

A lot of things scare people all the time and sometimes the more you experience in life the more afraid you become and vice versa. The more you know, the less you can trust, you can love, the more you open yourself and get hunted by different kind of fears. Sometimes you would be afraid of the future, feeling so unsecured ... but we all got that fear which is still in my opinion ... less to be feared of. Life goes on and most of those future fears remarks will disappear [Getting a job, Getting married, etc... ]

Fearing the unknown is the worst kind of fears that someone can have, especially with a wild imagination ... losing control, and you would end up in one of those hospitals trying to cure yourself.

What I fear the most is losing the one that I love because my life evolves on her, after that comes the rest .. Like hurting the people around me which I love the most, Losing good friends for some reasons, Dying without doing something good in my life or for the people that I love, Losing my parents which would happen and I can't do anything about it, Being unfair in my relations with the people around me, getting hurt by the people around me because I trust those and if they do so then it would be the end of my relation with them which would be so painful but a must because I don't trust anyone that easy and if I do, then betraying that trust is something that I can't [so sorry] forgive that easy.

There is a song for Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark ... I don't know if you listened to it or find darkness and being lonely scary because I don't and I really find myself there sometimes.

What can be your greatest fears and your weakness, can be someone's else strength. That is why some people know how to use that to get to you and mess around with your life. Be strong, brave and don't show any remark of weakness that can be used against you one day.

Best Regards

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