pet shop
Sure, go ahead to the pet shop at Al Nasr street. buy a cute puppy. Just be informed that ALL pet shops in Doha are very unhygenic and have low (if any) standards. The animals are usually diseased and sick. My neighbor bought a kitten for christmas at this very shop. It died the next day. She had to threaten them with a call to the police in order to get a refund. QAWS is your best bet as they have trained vets to help them look over the animals in their care. Go there and get educated about pet ownership.
pet shop
Sure, go ahead to the pet shop at Al Nasr street. buy a cute puppy. Just be informed that ALL pet shops in Doha are very unhygenic and have low (if any) standards. The animals are usually diseased and sick. My neighbor bought a kitten for christmas at this very shop. It died the next day. She had to threaten them with a call to the police in order to get a refund. QAWS is your best bet as they have trained vets to help them look over the animals in their care. Go there and get educated about pet ownership.