challenge indeed, whenever you think that you got it then you lost it. Love is the only cup that has two different tastes and drinks. One gives happiness while the other gives sadness, gives joy or sorrow. You have to live with the fact that love is not always sweet, how would you know the sweet taste of love if you did not taste the sour part? If you don't want to live with love happiness and sadness then you are not ready yet.

But the relation itself won't be a challenge anymore if you tried to force yourself on someone. Enough is enough and I'm not interested means give it up and look for someone else. There is a different between desire and madness, between having a relation or forcing a relation.

People seeks what they feel that they would be comfortable with, happy with or passing good time with that company. Don't try to force yourself and make others life misery, don't try to break the existing relation between two persons and call that your victory. Love sometimes can be a battlefield, but you have to fight with honor and dignity to win in the end. What is the value of a shameless victory?

It never works like that, the shortest distance between two points is called 'STRAIGHT LINE'.

Best Regards

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