I have taken the same route as Phillip, but outbound from Bahrain, so although I know it's possible to do it on your own and cheaper too, I still do not recommend it.

Xena is correct, and although you have less stress issues, seeing as it's a cat, and not a dog (on the banned list) there is one very important consideration you should make.

Rules and regulations have changed very recently, and as of August 1st, all animals in and out of Doha, must go Cargo. This could present more stress for you than it's worth frankly. QPR have enough experience to handle even little issues that us 1st time/ 2nd time transporters don't even consider. They also have the right connections. Know where and who to go to to get things done, and to make sure that your pet is well taken care of.

As for Airlines, I've never used KLM, but I know they are good. I've only ever used Lufthansa, and I highly recommend them.

Please visit the Pet Group withing this site:


you will find some useful info, although please bear in mind that it was posted in May, and now the rules are different.

Good Luck.

"Life is life - whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage." ~Sri Aurobindo