End of conract benefits (EOCB) will depend upon what this employee signed in the contract. If the contract only establishes that he/she will get one last salary and a ticket back home then that's it.
There is no other "benefit" to look for.
PS: do not post duplicate questions is not helpful to anyone!!!
Post once, get some answers read them, understand them and get the best from them before posting again; or rephrasing the question.
End of conract benefits (EOCB) will depend upon what this employee signed in the contract. If the contract only establishes that he/she will get one last salary and a ticket back home then that's it.
There is no other "benefit" to look for.
PS: do not post duplicate questions is not helpful to anyone!!!
Post once, get some answers read them, understand them and get the best from them before posting again; or rephrasing the question.