For those who think that prices will not decrease because another country had a different experience they obviously haven't read alot about how the economy and infrastructure works.

Rule 1 is never compare countries no matter how alike they are.
South Korea was similar to Japan, however Japan's economic bubble burst and they had a severe recession, whereas South Korea's economy boomed. From 200 dollars percapita to 20,000!

if you want my general opinion the following needs to be done (and it's being discussed)

1. Forcing rent to unused apartments
2. Eliminating the 10% increase loophole. (I can only think of enforcing a law that states that you cannot increase the SAME tenants rent by more than 10% regardless of whether the contract term has ended. There should be a rule for example that is "If the landlord has a replacement for the tenant, then he can change the rent to however much he likes, however the current tenant must be given 1-2 months notice or agree to the new contract. If the landlord leave it to less than 1 month to say "agree to the new contract or get out" then that would be illegal and the tenant has the right to remain in the property with an updated contract for 1 more year and with a maximum raise of 10%")

Perhaps if I organized the law I could submit it for judicial review.
Imagine! You could say that 'amnesia' changed the law! :p

3. There needs to be a public campaign for an organiziation that helps enforce people's rights. (this would scare landlords and also show tenants they have somewhere to go to)
4. Companies need to be encouraged to build OUTSIDE of Doha.

Anyway, those are just a few ideas I have.
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