Al Gharafa area. Try to explore area around Al Gharafa Sports Club. There are compounds like Al Jazeera Compound, Crystal Compound and new compound opposite of it.
Also explore areas around and opposite Gulf English School. Travelling time is 5-10 minutes. No traffic signal, no diversion, only one roundabout to pass by. In fact it is close to Landmark Mall, soon-to-open Lulu Hypermarket, Dasman Center, and FFC and Jarir.
Al Gharafa area. Try to explore area around Al Gharafa Sports Club. There are compounds like Al Jazeera Compound, Crystal Compound and new compound opposite of it.
Also explore areas around and opposite Gulf English School. Travelling time is 5-10 minutes. No traffic signal, no diversion, only one roundabout to pass by. In fact it is close to Landmark Mall, soon-to-open Lulu Hypermarket, Dasman Center, and FFC and Jarir.